What is the difference between DesiredCapabilities and RequiredCapabilities?

Can anyone tell me the difference between DesiredCapabilities

vs RequiredCapabilities

in the RemoteWebDriver constructor?

Here is the link for the constructor: http://selenium.googlecode.com/git/docs/api/java/org/openqa/selenium/remote/RemoteWebDriver.html#RemoteWebDriver(java.net.URL,%20org.openqa.selenium. Capabilities,% 20org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities)


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2 answers

Currently you don't need to worry about requiredCapabilities

because it is deprecated in Selenium v3.4.0.



For the benefit of those who have found this question and still haven't found an answer, check out this answer by Andrew Regan , the same question has been asked again in different ways by Dev Raj .

I haven't seen anyone use it or any blog entries - so far (I haven't gone out looking for one, but the usual ones I've read) have never mentioned this must-have constructor. So this seems to be the less popular feature that is available!



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