Where do we use this RemoteWebDriver constructor (java.net.URL remoteAddress, capabilities needed capabilities, capabilities needed to provide)

I went through the Webdriver API and came across a constructor in RemoteWebdriver for which I couldn't find any information.

I used the below constructor to set up the selenium grid

    RemoteWebDriver(java.net.URL remoteAddress, Capabilities desiredCapabilities)


Here is another constructor below this, "Capabilities Needed to Provide"

 RemoteWebDriver(java.net.URL remoteAddress, 
 Capabilities desiredCapabilities, Capabilities requiredCapabilities) 


Can someone please advise me where this can be applied.


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2 answers

According to the changelog for 2.25.0:

Added "requiredCapabilities" support for remote web drivers and implemented basic support for them in the firefox driver. Failure to perform the required function will cause rejection SessionNotCreatedException




Currently you don't need to worry about requiredCapabilities

because it is deprecated in Selenium v3.4.0. Use instead desiredCapabilities




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