How can I query for a substring with value> = 60000

I have a dataset with data formatted like this:

Date        | exec_time
Today       | 99999 ms
Yesterday   | 1 ms
Tomorrow    | 50000 ms
Another Day | None Recorded
Last Day |  ms


I need to write a query to get all the values exec_time

that>= 60000

The way I tried to write it is as follows:

select exec_time 
from myTable
where exec_time not like '%N%'
and cast(split_part(exec_time,' ', 1) as int) >= 60000
order by len(exec_time) desc, exec_time desc
limit 10


However, when I run this I get this error:

ERROR: Invalid digit, Value '2', Pos 0, Type: Integer 
  error:  Invalid digit, Value '2', Pos 0, Type: Integer 
  code:      1207
  query:     2780081
  location:  :0
  process:   query0_61 [pid=0]


Any ideas how I can get around this?


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2 answers

Error: Conditions are WHERE

not met in any given order.
Use an operator CASE

to avoid an exception.

SELECT exec_time 
FROM   myTable
         split_part(exec_time,' ', 1)::int >= 60000
ORDER  BY length(exec_time) desc, exec_time desc
LIMIT  10;

That being said, if 'None Recorded'

is the only case to rule out, use a faster check on the left:

exec_time NOT LIKE 'N%'


If the above are still errors, refer to this to find any offensive lines you may have missed:

FROM   myTable
WHERE  exec_time NOT LIKE '%N%'
AND    exec_time !~ '^\\d+ '  -- not all digits before the first space


In modern Postgres, you only need one backslash. '^\d+ '

! You seem to need to double the backslash in Redshift, which still uses the deprecated Posix string escape syntax for default strings and no explicit ( E'^\\d+ '

) declaration !

Generally, it is not good to mix data this way. You need to have a column to store runtime integer

. Much cheaper, cleaner and faster.



I think the problem is with the "None Recorded" value. I don't know if it will run the first where the first is excluded or not. Try the following:

SELECT exec_time
FROM (SELECT exec_time FROM myTable WHERE exec_time NOT LIKE 'N%') as foo
WHERE cast(split_part(foo.exec_time, ' ', 1) as int) >= 60000
ORDER by length(foo.exec_time) desc, foo.exec_time desc
limit 10




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