Delete unreferenced rows in another table

I am having trouble writing linq query because I am new to it. I have two tables RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local

and RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local_Bands



contains pkSummarySubjectLocalID

and Subject_Local_Bands

contains a reference to the foreign key for this table ( fkSummarySubjectlocalID

). Subject_Local

contains unused or orphaned strings that will never be used. I want to remove unused / orphan axes if they don't exist in Subject_Local_Bands


For example, if we look at these sample tables:

RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local       RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local_Bands
pkSummarySubjectLocalID               pkSummarySubjectLocalBandID fkSummarySubjectLocalID  Score
1                                     1                           2                        10 
2                                     2                           4                        20
3                                     3                           5                        30


In these two tables, you can see that Subject_Local.pkSummarySubjectLocalIDs

1 and 3 in are never mentioned in Subject_Local_Bands

. I want to remove them from Subject_Local


Here is my current LINQ code that doesn't work

var local = customerContext.RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local;
var localBands = customerContext.RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local_Bands;
IEnumerable<RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local> redundantSubjectLocalRows;

redundantSubjectLocalRows = from subjLocal in customerContext.RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local
                            join subjLocalBands in customerContext.RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local_Bands on 
                                 subjLocal.pkSummarySubjectLocalID equals subjLocalBands.fkSummarySubjectLocalID
                            where subjLocalBands.fkSummarySubjectLocalID != subjLocal.pkSummarySubjectLocalID
                            select subjLocal.pkSummarySubjectLocalID;



I want to use RemoveRange

, so I need to pass it to IEnumerable

my context class RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local

, but I don't know how to create it using a linq query that fulfills the specified conditions. Any help?


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3 answers

var local = customerContext.RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local;
var localBands = customerContext.RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local_Bands;


you must use except . A except B returns all values ​​that are in A, but not in B. We select everything local.pkSummarySubjectLocalID

except localBands.fkSummarySubjectLocalID

, the result is all pkSummarySubjectLocalID

that are in local

, but not in localBands


var orphanedIds = local.Select(x => x.pkSummarySubjectLocalID)
                      .Except(localBands.Select(x => x.fkSummarySubjectLocalID));


then we add this result ( orphanedIds

) to local

and get all the orphaned local


var orphaned = from l in local
      join id in orphanedIds on l.pkSummarySubjectLocalID equals id
      select l;


now it's time to remove all local

s orphans .





Possibly inelegant, but this should be efficient:

HashSet<int> unorphanedIds new HashSet<int>( 

var toRemove = customerContext.RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local






You can create your RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local class using the following statement from your LINQ query.

public void TestMethod()
    DataSet lDataSet = new DataSet();

    var lOutput = (from lRosterSummaryBand in lDataSet.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
                   select new RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local 
                       //Assign the field value for each row to the model property specified.
                       //Make sure to use the correct data types specified from the data base.
                       pkSummarySubjectLocalID = lRosterSummaryBand.Field<System.Int64>("pkSummarySubjectLocalID") // Column name from DataTable / DataSet
                   }).ToList();//Make sure to set the output as an enumeration


The data is stored in a var collection, but you can use it as your object with ().

It should be noted that when LINQ assigns values ​​to this set of var, it does so by reference, not by value. Any changes made to var will change the DataTable / DataSet.

Alternatively, you can also do the following. This will concatenate your two tables, assign them to the model, and only select rows where your subcategory is null / no.

var lRowsMarketForDeletion = (from lSubjectLocal in lDataSet.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
                                      join lSubjectLocalbands in lDataSet.Tables[1].AsEnumerable() on lSubjectLocal.Field<System.Int64>("pkSummarySubjectLocalID") equals lSubjectLocalbands.Field<System.Int64>("pkSummarySubjectLocalID") into lJoinedGroup
                                      from lJoinedRow in lJoinedGroup.DefaultIfEmpty(new RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local { pkSummarySubjectLocalID = 0 })
                                      where lJoinedRow.pkSummarySubjectLocalID == 0
                                      select new RosterSummaryData_Subject_Local
                                          pkSummarySubjectLocalID = lRosterSummaryBand.Field<System.Int64>("pkSummarySubjectLocalID")



Literature: Concatenate tables.

linq to sql using new file inside class . Selection into a new object for each row. How left joins work.

Let me know if you need anything else.



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