All possible combinations of algorithms

Let's say I have 2 characters consisting of A and B. I want to print the entire combination of A and B with a maximum length of n. n can be 3, 4, or 5.

for example, when n = 3, there are 8 general possibilities:



What's the easiest and most efficient way to do this? Thanks to


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4 answers

The possibilities correspond to bit patterns for all possible numbers that you can represent with n bits:

0 = 000 -> AAA
1 = 001 -> AAB
2 = 010 -> ABA
3 = 011 -> ABB
4 = 100 -> BAA
5 = 101 -> BAB
6 = 110 -> BBA
7 = 111 -> BBB


You can just loop over the numbers and get a binary representation using symbols instead of binary digits.


var n = 3;
var chars = [ 'A', 'B' ];

var max = Math.pow(2, n);

for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
  var s = '', x = i;
  while (s.length < n) {
    s = chars[x & 1] + s;
    x >>= 1;
  document.write(s + '<br>');

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For a given n, there are always 2 ^ n ways, since for each position we can choose 2 different characters. For the total number of characters, the usual approach will return, but since you only have two characters, a simpler approach using bitmasks works.

Note that the numbers 0 through 2 ^ n - 1 written in binary contain all possible bitmasks with length n, so you can simply "print out the numbers in binary by typing A or B if the bit is 0 or 1.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  int n;
  cin >> n;

  for (int i = 0; i < (1 << n); ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
      cout << (((i >> j) & 1) ? "B" : "A");
    cout << endl;




Convert int to bit-bool array, then just loop over that array. As long as you know that it will be only 2 characters ( A

and B

) then the binary file should work.

permutations(int n):
    for(int i = 0; i < 2^n; i++)
        print convert(toBitArray(int));

string convert(bool[] bits)
    string retStr = "":
    for(int b = 0; b < bits.size; b++)
            retStr += "A";
            retStr += "B";

bool[] toBitArray(int i):
    //converts int to a a bit-bool array




Since you only have two characters, you can just use the binary representation of the number N bits and replace the zeros with A and 1 with B. Here is some pseudo code since no language is specified

for k in range 0 to 2^N-1
  printString(k, N)
end for

  for N times 
      if LSB(k)==0  //(or mod 2 is 0)
          print A
          print B
      shift k right one bit //(or divide by 2)
  print newline




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