R Shiny dev on RStudio server Shiny app startup crashes

I'm new to Shiny but not new to R. Due to work I am currently doing R development on RStudio server. It is powered by the Google Compute Engine, if that matters. The RStudio server works fine, but Shiny is having problems.

After installing the gloss, I ran the example command:

runExample ("01_hello")

First, it brought up Hello Shiny! app, but everything was grayed out. I restarted RStudio, cleared the workspace and ran the command again. Now a window appears, but it disappears immediately. I tried restarting RStudio server and working in another browser, but the behavior continues.

I tried to quickly click the "Open in Browser" button and it made me log into my browser, grayed out like before I restarted.

Any suggestions? Thank.


When I run this example, the RStudio console gives:

Listening on


And just sits there until I press esc.

The IE console is giving no errors (although I'm also not sure if I'm using it correctly - not the web guy, sorry).

Chrome console gives error:

'webkitRequestAnimationFrame' is vendor specific. Please use the standard 'requestAnimationFrame'.

Who has a link to VM320: 6635 which reads:

function _b (b, c) {var d = b; var e = Gni (function () {var a = wj (); d.Df (a)}); return $ wnd.webkitRequestAnimationFrame (e, c)}


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3 answers

I figured out my problem, mostly. The window still closes as soon as I launch the Shiny app, but now I can go to the Shiny app. This is good enough for me to review this fixed.

I had to do two things. First, I had to open the port that Shiny was listening on using the GCE command line, which was the second answer here using the command line: How to open a specific port like 9090 in Google Compute Engine

Then I had to launch the Shiny app with the following command:

runExample("01_hello", host="", port=9999)


It works with the team runApp

. 9999 is the port number you open with GCE and host=

seems to tell Shiny to listen for external connections (from the in-R help documentation ?runApp

). You need to literally enter, not the IP address of your machine or something.

Even though the window is closed when I run this example, I can both go to the external IP of the instance with a port number and use the Shiny app.

Thank you for your help. Please feel free to comment if you think you need to say more.



I got the same issue after installing RStudio Server and Shiny Server on my VPS and then tried to set up an Apache proxy so I could use www.example.com/rstudio to access the IDE instead of the default www.example.com application :. 8787

I did it wrong at first and had the same problem as you, but here I found the correct solution: https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/200552326-Running-with-a-Proxy

The immediate cause was the missing websocket proxy configuration:

ProxyPassMatch ^/rstudio/p/([0-9]+)/(websocket|.*/websocket)/$ ws://localhost:8787/p/$1/$2/




To check if the problem is on the RStudio server or elsewhere, run this single file application in R (copy paste to R terminal):

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
    hist(rnorm(input$obs), col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
      sliderInput("obs", "Number of observations:", min = 10, max = 500, value = 100)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


I found a google group discussion about a problem with the Rstudio server , so it is possible that it is some kind of compatibility issue.



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