Setting up jQuery-File-Upload (main plugin)

I came across jQuery-file-upload in a google search. I found it neat and exactly what I need, but I have a little problem getting only a couple of functions the way I want it to work using the main plugin. I believe a basic plugin would be best shaped and shaped to exactly what I wanted. This is what I have so far.


$(function () {
        dataType: 'json',
        url: '../php/',
        add: function (e, data) {
            //$.each(data.files, function(index, file) {
                data.context = $('<li class=\"list-group-item\">')
                    //.html("<button type=\"button\" id=\"drop\" class=\"btn btn-danger btn-xs pull-right\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-remove\"></span></button>")
                    // see for the reason for the line below
                    .html(data.files[0].name+"<button type=\"button\" id=\"drop\" class=\"btn btn-danger btn-xs pull-right\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-remove\"></span></button>")
                /*$('.btn-danger').on('click', function() {
                    console.log('Drop '' \n');
            $('.btn-danger').on('click', function() {
                console.log("Removing all objects...\n");

        submit: function (e, data) {
            $('#start-upload').on('click', function() {
                console.log("This is the start upload button!");
        done: function (e, data) {
            /*$.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) {
        progressall: function (e, data) {
            var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10);
            $('#progress .bar').css(
                progress + '%'
        drop: function (e, data) {
            //$.each(data.files, function (index, file) {
                //$('#btn-danger').on('click', function() {
                    console.log('Dropped file: '+ +'\n');
    }).on('fileuploadsubmit', function(e, data) {
        data.formData = data.context.find(':input').seralizeArray();



 * jQuery File Upload Plugin PHP Example 5.14
 * Copyright 2010, Sebastian Tschan
 * Licensed under the MIT license:

$options = array(
    'delete_type' => 'POST',
    'db_host' => 'localhost',
    'db_user' => 'root',
    'db_pass' => '',
    'db_name' => 'example',
    'db_table' => 'files'

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);

class CustomUploadHandler extends UploadHandler {

    protected function initialize() {
        $this->db = new mysqli(

    protected function handle_form_data($file, $index) {
        $file->title = @$_REQUEST['title'][$index];
        $file->description = @$_REQUEST['description'][$index];

    protected function handle_file_upload($uploaded_file, $name, $size, $type, $error,
            $index = null, $content_range = null) {
        $file = parent::handle_file_upload(
            $uploaded_file, $name, $size, $type, $error, $index, $content_range
        if (empty($file->error)) {
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO `'.$this->options['db_table']
                .'` (`name`, `size`, `type`, `title`, `description`)'
                .' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
            $query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
            $file->id = $this->db->insert_id;
        return $file;

    protected function set_additional_file_properties($file) {
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') {
            $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `type`, `title`, `description` FROM `'
                .$this->options['db_table'].'` WHERE `name`=?';
            $query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
            $query->bind_param('s', $file->name);
            while ($query->fetch()) {
                $file->id = $id;
                $file->type = $type;
                $file->title = $title;
                $file->description = $description;

    public function delete($print_response = true) {
        $response = parent::delete(false);
        foreach ($response as $name => $deleted) {
            if ($deleted) {
                $sql = 'DELETE FROM `'
                    .$this->options['db_table'].'` WHERE `name`=?';
                $query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
                $query->bind_param('s', $name);
        return $this->generate_response($response, $print_response);


$upload_handler = new CustomUploadHandler($options);



Basic layout of my buttons and file list.

In my html I also have a Select Files ... button and a Start Upload button. The Select Files button works fine. I can add files without any problem. Several times or one at a time.

The two functions I need most often associate a "delete" button with every item <li>

that belongs to each selected file, and then simply implement a "Upload" button that will download the files. I will use a php example to handle files.

How can I apply the "remove" button to each button <li>


What I have done so far:

  • Add a "delete" button for each list item
  • Implement a way the user clicks the delete button and the file name for the selected item is li

    written to the console. However, this log repeats x many times when x is the position of the element li

    relative to the vertex.

How can I implement the Upload button to start uploading?
I'm not really sure how the file is php

tied to jQuery so that it gets executed when the submit button is clicked. I know the action is .on

tied to .fileupload

, but if someone can explain how it all fits together it will be very helpful.

Thank you for your time!


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1 answer

check this bootloader. it's easy to use a pigeon



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