Aeson: parse listed data types

How can I declare a FromJSON instance of the following datatype:

data Privacy = Everyone | 
           AllFriends | 
           FriendsOfFriends | 


So, the following line holds for an enumerated data type:

"EVERYONE" -> Everyone
"ALL_FRIENDS" -> AllFriends
"FRIENDS_OF_FRIENDS" -> FriendsOfFriends
"SELF" -> Self
_ -> Parsing error


A possible solution is outlined here , but I cannot compile this code.



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3 answers

The FromJSON definition should read:

instance FromJSON Privacy where
     parseJSON (Object v) = createPrivacy <$> (v .: "value")


Complete working example:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Text
import Data.Aeson
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

data Privacy = Everyone |
               AllFriends |
               FriendsOfFriends |
  deriving (Show)

instance FromJSON Privacy where
     parseJSON (Object v) = createPrivacy <$> (v .: "value")
     parseJSON _          = mzero

createPrivacy :: String -> Privacy
createPrivacy "EVERYONE" = Everyone
createPrivacy "ALL_FRIENDS" = AllFriends
createPrivacy "FRIENDS_OF_FRIENDS" = FriendsOfFriends
createPrivacy "SELF" = Self
createPrivacy _ = error "Invalid privacy setting!"

main = do
    let a = decode "{\"value\":\"ALL_FRIENDS\",\"foo\":12}" :: Maybe Privacy
    print a




This method involves fewer templates, but may not be as efficient due to T.unpack

data Privacy = Everyone | AllFriends | FriendsOfFriends | Self deriving (Read, Show)

instance FromJSON Privacy where
  parseJSON (String s) = fmap read (pure $ T.unpack s)
  parseJSON _ = mzero




The solution I found was to use pure

from Control.Applicative


import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)

data Privacy = Everyone | 
       AllFriends | 
       FriendsOfFriends | 

instance FromJSON Privacy where
  parseJSON (String s) =  pure $ mkPrivacy s
  parseJSON _ = fail "Failed to parse Privacy object"

instance ToJSON Privacy where
  toJSON Everyone = "EVERYONE"
  toJSON AllFriends = "ALL_FRIENDS"
  toJSON FriendsOfFriends = "FRIENDS_OF_FRIENDS"
  toJSON Self = "SELF"

mkPrivacy :: Text -> Privacy
mkPrivacy "EVERYONE" = Everyone
mkPrivacy "ALL_FRIENDS" = AllFriends
mkPrivacy "FRIENDS_OF_FRIENDS" = FriendsOfFriends
mkPrivacy "SELF" = Self
mkPrivacy _ = error "Invalid privacy token"




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