C # Find variable by value

I am making an "error code to String" converter that will display the name of the error code from its value, for example it 0x000000c3

will give "Class not found"

, but using MY OWN error codes!

This is what it actually looks like:

#region errcodes
    public int NORMAL_STOP      = 0x00000000;
    public int LIB_BROKEN       = 0x000000a1;
    public int RESOURCE_MISSING = 0x000000a2;
    public int METHOD_NOT_FOUND = 0x000000a3;
    public int FRAMEWORK_ERROR  = 0x000000b1;
    public int UNKNOWN          = 0x000000ff;
    public string getName(int CODE)



I would like to get the value string

from a parameter CODE

, in a function getName


How can i do this?


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1 answer

Good C # practice is to use an enum:

public enum ErrorCode
    NORMAL_STOP      = 0x00000000,
    LIB_BROKEN       = 0x000000a1,
    RESOURCE_MISSING = 0x000000a2,
    METHOD_NOT_FOUND = 0x000000a3,
    FRAMEWORK_ERROR  = 0x000000b1,
    UNKNOWN          = 0x000000ff

public const string InvalidErrorCodeMessage = "Class not found";

public static string GetName(ErrorCode code)
    var isExist = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ErrorCode), code);
    return isExist ? code.ToString() : InvalidErrorCodeMessage;

public static string GetName(int code)
    return GetName((ErrorCode)code);


Another good tip, it would be great to use the C # naming convention for error codes:

public enum ErrorCode
    NormalStop      = 0x00000000,
    LibBroken       = 0x000000a1,
    ResourceMissing = 0x000000a2,
    MethodNotFound  = 0x000000a3,
    FrameworkError  = 0x000000b1,
    Unknown         = 0x000000ff


Usage example:

void Main()
  Console.WriteLine(GetName(0)); // NormalStop
  Console.WriteLine(GetName(1)); // Class not found
  Console.WriteLine(GetName(ErrorCode.Unknown)); // Unknown




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