How to update a deployed meteor app

How to update a deployed application using meteor.

So, I am deploying my application with

meteor deploy xxxxxxx


and delete i do

meteor deploy --delete xxxxxx


how can i update? It's also not on the command line

when i type

meteor deploy --help


I get

--delete, -D  permanently delete this deployment
--debug       deploy in debug mode (don't minify, etc)
--settings    set optional data for Meteor.settings
--star        a star (tarball) to deploy instead of the current Meteor app



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2 answers

Is your app hosted on

If so, you only need to release

Meteor deploy XXXXX


Command again and it will update your application.

Meteor Deploy uses the same hot code reloading as applications.



Just refresh the webpage where you are making changes and the meteor server will start! :)



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