How can I make Phaser game auto-fill the window?

How can I make Phaser game auto-fill the browser window? (And ideally, auto-replenish if the window resizes .) I know there is a ScaleManager class , but it's not clear in the docs how to use this. I also found other instructions , but they do not indicate where to add the code they suggest and run it right after the Game class is created doesn Seems to do nothing.

I am currently using the base code found in this tutorial , but I am ready to completely change it.


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3 answers

It turns out that this is pretty straightforward, you just need to run this code in a preload or create function (not immediately after instantiating the game, as I tried).

this.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
//this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
this.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
this.scale.setScreenSize( true );


Note that setting this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally to true will actually mess up the horizontal alignment if you make the game fullscreen. Instead, you can center the canvas with css:

canvas { margin: 0 auto; }




You can overwrite the setShowAll method for the ScaleManager.
By default, this function has, if it includes "extension", the
extension is a parameter that gets true if you go into full screen mode.
But since we always want to "expand", I just removed the if.

module.exports = function () {

  Phaser.ScaleManager.prototype.setShowAll = function () {
    let bounds = this.getParentBounds(this._tempBounds);
    let width = bounds.width;
    let height = bounds.height;
    let multiplier = Math.max((height /, (width /;

    this.width = Math.round( * multiplier);
    this.height = Math.round( * multiplier);

  window.Game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;


This kills the update option but works



Right now (Phaser 2.4.4) you do it simply by setting the scaling mode, for example, in your create function:

game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;


game.scale.scaleMode controls how the game scales when NOT in full screen mode.



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