Assembler Print number on screen

How can I print the array numbers on the screen (not ASCII characters)?

  Data1 dw 4h, -23h, 3h, 276h, -79h, -345h, 6h, 44h, -77h, 111, 12,10, '$'
mov ax,@data    
mov ds,ax   
mov dx,offset Data1                       
mov ah,09h
int 21h

   mov ah,04Ch 
   mov al,0h    
   int 21h      

End Start


This code prints the ASCII characters corresponding to the numbers in the array. I want to print numbers


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1 answer

I assume that you want to get signed numbers and that you know how negative numbers are encoded (see the Wikipedia article for the Ones add-on . MSDOS does not provide a ready-made function for converting data to numbers, so you need to create such a function yourself. The main problem is is to re-divide by 10 and process the remainder There are many examples and explanations on net, google search: "assembly converts to decimal".

This is my approach (TASM):


  Data1 dw 4h, -23h, 3h, 276h, -79h, -345h, 6h, 44h, -77h, 111, 12,10, '$'
  Decimal db 8 DUP ('$')

main PROC
        mov ax, @data
        mov ds, ax
        mov es, ax

        mov si, OFFSET Data1


        mov di, OFFSET Decimal  ; Convert WORD to decimal string
        mov ax, [si]
        call ax2dec_signed

        push si                 ; store SI for later use

        mov dx, OFFSET Decimal  ; Print the number
        mov ah,09h
        int 21h

        mov ah, 02h             ; Print a space
        mov dl, 20h
        int 21h

        pop si                  ; restore SI
        add si, 2               ; next WORD
        cmp word ptr [si], '$'  ; End of String?
        jne Loop                ; No: once more

        mov ah,04Ch
        mov al,0h
        int 21h
main ENDP

ax2dec_signed PROC              ; Args: AX register to convert, ES:DI pointer to target string
        test ax, ax             ; AX negative?
        jns @@J1                ; No: skip the following code
        mov byte ptr [di], '-'  ; Yes: store the negative sign
        inc di                  ; Increment the pointer to the target string
        neg ax                  ; One complement, i.e. AX = ABS(AX)
        mov bx, 10              ; Base 10 -> divisor
        xor cx, cx              ; CX=0 (number of digits)
        xor dx, dx              ; Clear DX for division (don't forget it!)
        div bx                  ; AX = DX:AX / BX Remainder DX
        push dx                 ; Push remainder for LIFO in Loop_2
        add cl, 1               ; Equivalent to 'inc cl'
        test ax, ax             ; AX = 0?
        jnz @@Loop_1                ; No: once more
        pop ax                  ; Get back pushed digits
        or al, 00110000b        ; Conversion to ASCII
        stosb                   ; Store only AL to [ES:DI] (DI is a pointer to a string)
        loop @@Loop_2           ; Until there are no digits left
        mov [di], '$'           ; Store termination character for 'int 21h fn 09h'
        ret                     ; Ret: target string contains decimal '$'-terminated ASCII-String
ax2dec_signed ENDP

END main




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