C ++ string stream error handling

I am trying to handle a conversion from string to int using ss.fail and after the program goes back to input it keeps giving error even though I input integers. Note that this only happens after the error loops have been processed. I've tried ss.clear (), cin.ignore, etc. and it still cycles through when I enter an integer. How to handle the error correctly?

string strNumber;       //User to input a number
stringstream ss;        //Used to convert string to int
int number;             //Used to convert a string to number and display it

bool error = false;          //Loops if there is an input error

    //Prompts the user to enter a number to be stored in string
    cout << endl << "Enter an integer number: ";
    getline(cin, strNumber);

    //Converts the string number to int and loops otherwise
    ss << strNumber;
    ss >> number;

        cout << "This is not an integer" << endl;
        //cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
        error = true;
        error = false;

} while(error == true);



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1 answer

Once a thread is in a crashed state, it will remain in a crashed state until it receives an clear()

ed. That is, you need to do something like this:

if (ss.fail()) {
    std::cout << "This is not an integer\n";
    // ...


Also not that just writing to the string stream does not replace the contents of the string stream! to replace the content of a stream of strings, you can use the method str()




Alternatively, you can create a new stream of lines on each iteration, but this is relatively expensive if many streams are created.



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