"x64_mingw" is not a valid platform
When I run the application command rails new , the process stops in the batch, giving me the above error. I have ruby 2.0.0p195, rails 4.2.0.beta4. I am trying to follow Michael Hartle's instructions. The command worked fine, I guess until I installed this version of rails ... I tried to uninstall it but it looks like gem uninstall doesn't want to work. What should I do?
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check your gemfile, you will see there like this gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [: mingw ,: mswin] OR gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [: mingw ,: mswin ,: x64_mingw]
if you have gem tzinfo-data, platforms: [: mingw ,: mswin ,: x64_mingw] then replace that with gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [: mingw ,: mswin]
and after that save the update file and service pack command.
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I am assuming you are on a Windows machine, right? I had the same problems, many attempts were lost with the same error that brought you here.
My fix: 1. Uninstall both Ruby and Rails and Rails Installer and everything related to RoR that you already have installed on your machine. To do this, go to the Control Panel. 2. Visit http://railsftw.bryanbibat.net/ and download the Ruby on Rails installer. 3. Use Ruby on Rails.
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