Ninject Factory Template and Bindings

I'm trying to implement the Ninject.Extensions.Factory pattern and my program is telling me that my bindings are wrong, but I can't figure out why. I keep getting "Error while activating IHashable. No binding mappings are available and the type is not self-switching." The following are the relevant areas of my code:

public interface IHashable
    FileInfo File { get; }

    string ComputeHash();

public interface IHashableFactory
    IHashable GetNew(FileInfo file);

public class MD5ChecksumProvider : IHashable
    private FileInfo _file;

    public FileInfo File
        get { return _file; }

    public MD5ChecksumProvider(FileInfo file)
        if (file == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("file");

        _file = file;

    public string ComputeHash()
        // implementation

public class AppFileProvider : IAppFileProvider
    private IHashableFactory _hashFactory;

    public IHashableFactory HashProvider
        get { return _hashFactory; }

    public AppFileProvider(IHashableFactory hashProviderFactory)
        _hashFactory = hashProviderFactory;

    public string GetChecksum(FileInfo fileInfo)
        var hasher = _hashFactory.GetNew(fileInfo);
        return hasher.ComputeHash();

public class BindingProviders : NinjectModule
    public override void Load()

public class BindingFactories : NinjectModule
    public override void Load()

// my DI container
public sealed class Container : IDisposable
    private bool _isDisposed;
    private IKernel _kernel;
    private BindingFactories _bindingFactories;
    private BindingObjects _bindingObjects;
    private BindingProviders _bindingProviders;

    public Container()
        _isDisposed = false;

        _bindingFactories = new BindingFactories();
        _bindingObjects = new BindingObjects();
        _bindingProviders = new BindingProviders();

        _kernel = new StandardKernel(_bindingObjects, _bindingProviders, _bindingFactories);

    public T Get<T>()
        return _kernel.Get<T>();

    public void Dispose()
        // nothing worth seeing

    private void Dispose(bool disposing)
        // nothing worth seeing

// the program (composition root)
public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()

        using (var container = new Container())
            var fileProvider = container.Get<IAppFileProvider>();

            foreach (var file in files)
                string hash = fileProvider.GetChecksum(storePath, file); // this line throws "Error activating IHashable. No matching bindings are available, and the type is not self-bindable.""


I feel like my bindings are set up correctly, but I must be missing something obvious. Any ideas why I am getting the exception from the above code?


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1 answer

This is due to a feature of Ninject.Extensions.Factory. It handles methods that start with Get

differently than those that don't. If you rename IHashableFactory.GetNew

to Create

or Make

everything will work fine.

Function << 20> is described here :

The default extension provider for an extension has a convention that it tries to return an instance using a named binding whenever the method starts with "Get". For example. IFoo GetMySpecialFoo () equals


Since I think this is not obvious to the user, and the exception is generally not useful in this regard, I posted a report of the problem here



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