Modal Segue shape sheet does not work with storyBoard

I am trying to render a view using the Form Sheet model. Surprisingly, all the subheadings that I add via the storyboard are not shown, but when I try to create them using code (like on viewDidload) these views are displayed on screen. Also when I changed the model to Full Screen, in this case the views are also displayed. This is an iPad project being developed in iOS 8.

please can you give me a suggestion to solve the problem.


enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here Here are some screenshots that show how I made my transition using the storyboard: Thanks.


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1 answer

You can use Modal Segue in your storyboard and make sure you embed the view controller in your navigation controller. And do the segue when you need it:

[self performSegueWithIdentifier: sender segueIdentifier: self];

Also make sure that the size of the contents of the form sheet is placed in the correct position.



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