Var_dump from int shows UNKNOWN: 0

I found something that I have never seen before in PHP. My script aborts with an error:

Fatal error: unsupported operand types at ... on line 41

The error message refers to the following expression:

if($this->lastAction + 7200 <= time()) {


When I var_dump $this->lastAction

before an operation in my script, I get the output:



I've never seen this before. And I can't imagine where this value is assigned to my variable or under what conditions it happens.

Is there a clue or explanation as to where this "value" comes from?


I found out that if I run the same installation in env with PHP 5.3, I get the error instead:

Object of class stdClass cannot be converted to int ... on line 41

But I have never assigned an instance stdClass

to this variable.


The problem also exists in PHP 5.5.19

with the same error as the version 5.4.28



abstract class AuthHandler
    protected $lastAction;

    public function __construct()
         $this->lastAction = isset($_SESSION['last_action']) ? $_SESSION['last_action'] : time();

         if($this->lastAction + 7200 <= time()) {

         $this->lastAction = time();

    public function logout()

        $this->lastAction = null;

    public function __destruct()
        $_SESSION['last_action'] = $this->lastAction;



class DBAuthHandler extends AuthHandler
    // other stuff here



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2 answers

Well, this is not a definitive answer, but it may shed light on the problem.

PHP source check, "unknown type" is the default case in the gettype function . The same is true for the var_dump function .

So, basically, when a variable is not NULL, boolean, integer, double, string, array, object or resource, then it is an unknown type .

I've seen this happen when a pointer becomes invalid.

$handle = fopen('file.txt','r');
echo gettype($handle); // resource
echo gettype($handle); // unknown


Since time () always returns an integer (or at least it should), the problem must lie with $_SESSION['last_action']


Even using multiple methods for destruction $_SESSION

, I was unable to reproduce your problem.

It might help if you run a backtrace $_SESSION['last_action']

, periodically checking its value.



The code you provided works great for me. Returned object

object(App\Http\Controllers\DBAuthHandler)#141 (1) { ["lastAction":protected]=> int(1416817485) } 


So, the problem will be in the method that is trying to install $_SESSION['last_action']




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