Morris.js histogram is missing labels

I am parsing values ​​from a JSON structure in a Morris JS bar chart. JSON values ​​are loaded via Ajax. The problem is that only every second value is loaded into the x-string (xkeys).

My code:

    $( document ).ready(function() {
        url: "$orderby=Modified%20desc",
        headers: { 'accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose', 'content-type': 'application/json;odata=verbose'},
        success: function(data){ 
                    var params = {
                        element: 'myfirstchart',
                        data: [],
                        xkey: 'year',
                        ykeys: ['value'],
                        barColors: ['#f46813'],
                        labels: ['Rate']

                        data.d.results.forEach(function(element) {
                        var obj = { "year": element.ExchangeCross, "value": element.ApprovedRate }; 




The chart displays fine, but some labels are missing. I took a screenshot.

Image link

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?


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1 answer

Morris does this because there isn't enough space for labels. Try adding an angle to the labels and you can see them again.

var params = {
    element: 'myfirstchart',
    data: [],
    xkey: 'year',
    ykeys: ['value'],
    barColors: ['#f46813'],
    labels: ['Rate'],
    xLabelAngle: 60,




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