Facebook Graph Api: Missing Comments


  • I get Facebook comments on a client's Facebook page.
  • I have an access token for this Facebook page with "read_stream, read_mailbox, read_page_mailboxes, publish_stream, read_insights, manage_pages, publish_actions" permission scopes.
  • My access token works fine when I debug it through the Open Open Graph debugger (Expires: never, Valid: True).
  • I am doing un versioned Graph Api Calls (means I am still on V1.0)
  • In general, everything works, fetches, publishes, etc.

Problem - My Corner Business

  • I have one Facebook user "x" who responds to many Facebook wall posts on a customer page.
  • When I check my Graph and FQL calls to retrieve comments, no comments are returned from user 'x'. All other comments from other users appear in the API search results.
  • I made the same calls for these posts via the Facebook Graph Api explorer, the same happens.
  • I haven't been able to find a bug report so far on Facebook bugs.

What's next?

  • Is this caused by the privacy setting set by user 'x'? If so, how do you do it? Therefore, I can reproduce this situation.
  • Is this a known Facebook bug? if so, is there a link to it so I can follow it?
  • Does anyone have more information on this?
  • If this is the "expected behavior", can someone explain why? So I can tell my client why we cannot support this case.

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2 answers

I found the reason:

When the user disconnects the Facebook platform, all data will be omitted in Graph Calls. In this case, even if the data is available on Facebook. You can have all the permissions you want. You won't be able to get data from Facebook.




I don't know what this setting is the problem. It looks like you are trying to get messages posted by the user on the page. It seems to me that this setting is intended for use by non-Facebook apps / sites / plugins to consume Facebook data. This means that apps / sites using the Facebook auth dialog will no longer function, the way he phrased it doesn't seem to rule out the Graph API calls for public data, because Graph is a Facebook app.

I am assuming you are using an HTTP graph to get the data. What's your actual HTTP request?

I found that some comments / likes are not displayed via the API request due to Facebook's algorithm to determine the "Top Story" value. For example.


The post ID 20531316728_10153209288311729

only displays 18378 comments.

However, if I add .filter(stream)


I am getting 18552 comments in the summary

You can add .summary(true)

to likes

and comments

to get a summary of the total of each type. Then you add .filter(stream)

to force all comments back / like others, but you only get the ones that weren't filtered out due to their low "history" value.

For more information, see the Modifiers section. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.2/object/comments (again this works for similar ones too)



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