Find the indexPath of a button inside a UITableViewCell on button click?

The code below returns the cell correctly:

func findSuperView(sender:UIButton!) -> UITableViewCell { 
    var superView : UIView? = sender.superview 
    var foundSuperView : UITableViewCell! 

    while superView != nil && foundSuperView == nil { 
        if let cell = superView as? UITableViewCell { 
            foundSuperView = cell 
        else { 
            superView = superView?.superview 
    return foundSuperView 


But for looking up indexpath in tableview it fails:

var indexPath : NSIndexPath = self.table .indexPathForCell(findSuperView(sender))!
println("Section (indexPath)")


And I tried another way, but it failed:

var button : UIButton = sender as UIButton; 
var touch: UITouch = events .allTouches()?.anyObject() as UITouch 
var location : CGPoint = touch.locationInView(self.table) 
var indexPath : NSIndexPath = self.table.indexPathForRowAtPoint(location)!



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5 answers

I don't know if there is an easy way to do this. ( Edit: Actually there is. Have a look at @ mustafa's second solution.) The workaround is to set the button tag indexPath.row

to cellForRowAtIndexPath

, then you can just access the button tag to find out which row it belongs to.

Warning: This workaround is fragile. It will not work correctly if you allow adding or removing rows from the table without calling tableView.reloadData()

. Have a look at @mustafa's solution which is much more robust.



Below is the candidate action method for your button TouchUpInside


func someAction(sender:UIButton, event: UIEvent) {
    if let touch = event.touchesForView(sender)?.anyObject() as? UITouch {
        let point = touch.locationInView(tableView)
        if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForRowAtPoint(point) {
            // Do something with indexPath


And here's another one:

func someAction(sender: UIButton) {
    let point = tableView.convertPoint(CGPointZero, fromView: sender)
    if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForRowAtPoint(point) {
        // Do something with indexPath




You seem to be having trouble finding tableView

from your code that handles @IBAction

for your button.

You can create a subclass UIButton

that keeps track of both the button cell

and the button UITableView

that the cell belongs to. Then a simple call to tableView:indexPathForCell

in @IBAction

for a button.


class MyButton: UIButton {
    weak var myTable: UITableView?
    weak var myCell:  UITableViewCell?



class CustomTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
    @IBOutlet weak var myButton: MyButton!

    @IBAction func whereAmI(button: MyButton) {
        if let myCell = button.myCell, indexPath = button.myTable?.indexPathForCell(myCell) {
            print("I am in row \(indexPath.row)")


In TableViewController.swift:

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! CustomTableViewCell

    cell.myButton.myCell = cell
    cell.myButton.myTable = tableView

    // Other cell setup

    return cell


To get this work done, it is important to set the classes for UIButton

both UITableViewCell

in MyButton

and CustomTableViewCell

in the Identity inspector. In addition, connect the button to the @IBOutlet

in CustomTableViewCell.swift




There was a problem with func findSuperView(sender:UIButton!) -> UITableViewCell

. Nothing guarantees that it foundSuperView

will matter.

func findSuperView(sender:UIButton!) -> UITableViewCell { 
    var superView : UIView? = sender.superview 
    var foundSuperView : UITableViewCell! // NOTE: The value is nil.

    while superView != nil && foundSuperView == nil { 
        if let cell = superView as? UITableViewCell { 
            foundSuperView = cell 
        else { 
            superView = superView?.superview 
    return foundSuperView // NOTE: This will crash if foundSuperView == nil


A safer way to search for a view supercell returns an optional.

func findSuperCellOfView(view: UIView?) -> UITableViewCell? {
    if view == nil {
        return nil
    } else if let cell = view as? UITableViewCell {
        return cell
    } else {
        return findSuperCellOfView(view?.superview)


which will be used as follows.

if let cell = findSuperCellOfView(button) {
    let indexPath = table.indexPathForCell(cell)
    println("Section \(indexPath)")




If you are using a custom tableViewCell (which you probably are), you can simply create a variable.

class Cell: UITableViewCell {

    var id = ""

    @IBAction func buttonPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
        print(id) // Can also call a function with 'id' as a parameter



func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell: Cell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell") as! Cell = indexPath.row // Or however you wan't to give it an Id

    return cell




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