How can we swap with a composite representation of the main puppet?

I am new to crafting and puppet. Now I am trying to implement paging with marionettejs composite view. Below is my code, what happens here, when a new fetch is done through my custom pager, the existing data is replaced with the new dataset instead of adding it. Please help me overcome this! Thanks in advance.

 define(['text!/Templates/projects/_GroupItem.html', 'collections/projects/groups'], function (ProjectGroupsTmpl, GroupCollection) {
    var GroupItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
        tagName: 'li',
        template: _.template(ProjectGroupsTmpl) 
    var CompositeView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
        template: _.template("<ul id='ulgroups' ></ul>"),
        itemView: GroupItemView,
        itemViewContainer: '#ulgroups',
        initialize: function (params) {
            this.isLoading = false; 
            this.ProjectID =;
            this.collection = new GroupCollection();
            var self = this;
            $(window).scroll(function () {
        getData: function () { 
            var that = this;
            this.isLoading = true;
                data: { ProjectID: this.ProjectID },
                success: function (collection, response, options) { 
                    that.isLoading = false;
        checkScroll: function () { 
            var triggerPoint = 100; // 100px from the bottom 
            if (!this.isLoading && $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() + triggerPoint > $(document).height()) { 
       += 1; // Load next page 
        appendHtml: function (collectionView, itemView, index) {            
    return CompositeView;



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2 answers

I used backbone.paginator to solve the above problem and it works well. Below is the new code used to do this.


], function ($, _, Backbone) {
    var Groups = Backbone.PageableCollection.extend({
        url: 'projects/_groups',
        mode: "infinite",
        state: {
            pageSize: null 
        queryParams: {
            totalPages: null,
            totalRecords: null 
    return Groups;


Marionette CompositeView:

define(['text!/Templates/projects/_GroupItem.html', 'collections/projects/groups'], function (ProjectGroupsTmpl, GroupCollection) {
    var GroupItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
        tagName: 'li',
        template: _.template(ProjectGroupsTmpl)
    var CompositeView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
        template: _.template("<ul id='ulgroups' ></ul>"),
        itemView: GroupItemView,
        itemViewContainer: '#ulgroups',
        initialize: function (params) {
            this.isLoading = false;
            this.ProjectID =;
            this.grpcollection = new GroupCollection([], {
                queryParams: {
            this.collection = this.grpcollection.fullCollection;
            var self = this;
            $(window).scroll(function () {
        getData: function () {
            var that = this;
            this.isLoading = true;
                success: function (collection, response, options) {
                    if (response.length > 0) {
                        that.isLoading = false;
        getNextPage: function () {
            var that = this;
            this.isLoading = true;
                success: function (collection, response, options) {
                    if (response.length > 0) {
                        that.isLoading = false;
        checkScroll: function () {
            var triggerPoint = 100; // 100px from the bottom 
            if (!this.isLoading && $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() + triggerPoint > $(document).height()) {
        appendHtml: function (collectionView, itemView, index) {
    return CompositeView;




I recently solved a similar problem by creating a temporary collection to hold the models for each paginated request. However, my setup was slightly different from yours as I created a Marionette controller to negotiate between data and view. The show method on the controller handled the original request for data, and the showMore method handled subsequent requests. This is basically what I did:

(function ($, _, Backbone, Marionette) {
    var carData = [
            make: 'Audi',
            model: 'A4',
            year: '1994'
            make: 'BMW',
            model: '3 Series',
            year: '1975'
            make: 'Chevrolet',
            model: 'Cruze',
            year: '2008'
            make: 'Daimler',
            model: 'Six',
            year: '1994'
            make: 'Fiat',
            model: '500X',
            year: '2015'
            make: 'Honda',
            model: 'Civic',
            year: '1972'
            make: 'Kia',
            model: 'Optima',
            year: '2015'
            make: 'Lada',
            model: 'Priora',
            year: '2007'
            make: 'Mitusbishi',
            model: 'Lancer',
            year: '1973'
            make: 'Nissan',
            model: 'Pathfinder',
            year: '1995'
    var Car = Backbone.Model.extend({
        defaults: {
            make: '',
            model: '',
            year: ''
    var Cars = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        model: Car,
        rows: 3,
        page: 0
    var CarView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
        tagName: 'tr',
        template: '#row-template'
    var CarsView = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
        childView: CarView,
        childViewContainer: 'tbody',
        template: '#table-template',
        triggers: {
            'click button': 'showMore'
    var CarController = Marionette.Controller.extend({
        initialize: function (options) {
            this.collection = options.collection;
        show: function () {
            var cars = this.getData(;
            var carsView = new CarsView({
                collection: new Backbone.Collection(cars)
            this.listenTo(carsView, 'showMore', this.showMore);
        showMore: function (options) {
            var cars = this.getData(;
        getData: function (page) {
            var rows = this.collection.rows;
            var start = page * rows;
            var end = start + rows;
            return this.collection.slice(start, end);

    var app = new Marionette.Application();
    var cars = new Cars(carData);
    var carController = new CarController({
        collection: cars
        carsRegion: '#cars-region'
    app.addInitializer(function () {;
}(jQuery, _, Backbone, Marionette));


This is also available as a JSFiddle .



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