Canonical filesystem path formatting is invalid after conversion to const char *

I am trying to convert a relative path and convert it to absolute in order to go to SQLite using boost filesystem. This should work correctly for windows and linux

    boost::filesystem::path path("../../data/dominion");
    boost::filesystem::path file("dominion.db");
    boost::filesystem::path canonical = boost::filesystem::canonical(dataPath / file);


canon returns



As you can see, the beginning of the "D: /" path is incorrect. I have also tried calling normalize () on it with no success

Is there a way to fix this?


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1 answer

Although not standard practice, slashes are also accepted on Windows, so boost doesn't force the conversion.

However, some libraries will not accept forward slashes. [1] is intended to address such situations by converting the path to the preferred system representation (ie using a backslash on Windows).boost::filesystem::path::make_preferred()

[1] This old link makes this behavior more obvious

As described below, while (most) Windows APIs accept forward slashes and even a mixture of forward and backslashes, some UIs even for applications included with Windows do not work.



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