How do I mock a method call within a method I want to test using NUnit?

I'm trying to unit test a method and poke fun at calling the method inside it:

class LoginViewModel
public bool LogUserIn(string hashedPassword)
        if (loginSuccessful)
            GoToMainMenu(); // I WANT TO MOCK THIS CALL.
            return true;
         return false;


so I want to mock the call to the GoToMainMenu () function as this is for navigation only and I get the exception thrown here when I try to run my test.

I've tried using NUnit.Mocks:

    public void Log_User_In_Will_Return_True()
        DynamicMock mockView = new DynamicMock(typeof(LoginViewModel));
        mockView.ExpectAndReturn("GoToMainMenu", null);
        LoginViewModel loginVM = (LoginViewModel)mockView.MockInstance; //ArgumentException
        Assert.AreEqual(true, loginVM.LogUserIn("aHashedPassword"));


But this gives me an ArgumentException.

I spent a lot of time on various ways to make this work and also tried Rhino Mocks, but couldn't figure out how to mock this challenge. Can anyone help with this? I have not tried Moq, but I suspected it was similar to Rhino Mocks.


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1 answer

In your current setup, this is what you are trying to do, not possible. Fixed a bit:

  • start using the stable version of Rhino (e.g. 3.6). Better yet, upgrade to Moq, which is a new framework.
  • make a GoToMainMenu

    method virtual

    (and at least protected


Then your test (Rhino 3.6) should look like this:

var mock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<LoginViewModel>();
Assert.AreEqual(true, mock.LogUserIn("aHashedPassword"));


A few things to note here. Any non-virtual method will use your original implementation (for example LogUserIn

). On the other hand, each virtual method will be replaced by RhinoMocks with a default implementation (do nothing), which should be enough to pass the test. The same test in Moq:

var mock = new Mock<LoginViewModel>();
Assert.AreEqual(true, mock.Object.LogUserIn("aHashedPassword"));


The way it works (need to have methods virtual

) is that when you create a layout, both Rhino and Moq will be generated in the memory assembly and create a new type there based on your type (in your case LoginViewModel

). The derived type (mock) can then replace any method of the original type given it virtual

(standard C # mechanism) or the type is an interface - then the mock simply implements the interface.



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