What's the difference between .ivy2 and .m2

I used to use sbt and it looks like it puts the jar under .ivy2. And then I used gradle, I thought it also put the jar under .ivy2, but the following link told me that I need to remove the corrupted package from .m2. So the grill uses .m2 and can't use ivy2? spring boot mvc: failed following sample


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1 answer

Ivy, Maven and Gradle have their own dependency cache in ~/.ivy2/cache

, ~/.m2/repository

and ~/.gradle/caches

respectively. Gradle will use the Maven dependency cache (known as the local Maven repository) if mavenLocal()

declared as a repository in a build script. This only needs to be done if the Gradle build needs to consume artifacts generated by the local Maven build. (There is no efficiency gain, as the declaration mavenLocal()

will make the build slower and less reliable.)



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