Unable to link process

I am currently trying to create a list of people with this model

{firstName: "", lastname: "", address:""}


in multiple values ​​Select.

In my ViewModel I have a field called selectedItem and I am setting it to null because nothing is selected to start with.

In my opinion, I can set the selectedItem to the item that was selected in my Select item, then I want to display the properties of the selected item on the screen, as I tried this,

<p data-bind="text: selectedItem.firstName">First Name</p>
<p data-bind="text: selectedItem.lastName">Last Name</p>
<p data-bind="text: selectedItem.address">Address</p>


but he talks about it in the console

Unable to process binding "text: function (){return selectedItem.firstName }"
Message: Cannot read property 'firstName' of undefined;


which stops all other bindings (I have a delete button next). A screen shot for context, I'm terrible at describing things The console message seems to indicate that the viewModel is being processed after the page has been or something, otherwise it will complain about null values ​​to the right ??? Is there anyway for the binding to be ignored if the selected item is undefined / null or am I trying to get it wrong?

Edit: here's a jsFiddle , but I noticed that it doesn't behave 100% the same as it does in a node-webkit environment. I am using, it gets all the data of the first item in the list, but then it does nothing


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1 answer

First you need to make the selectedItem

observable to be notified when it changes:

self.selectedItem = ko.observable(null);


Then you need to handle the case when selectedItem

empty in your bindings with:

<div class="col-md-8">
    <p data-bind="text: selectedItem() && selectedItem().firstName">First Name</p>
    <p data-bind="text: selectedItem() && selectedItem().lastName">Last Name</p>
    <p data-bind="text: selectedItem() && selectedItem().address">Address</p>


However, a more correct solution would be to use a binding with

that takes care of the case when selectedItem


and also reduces repetition:

<div class="col-md-8" data-bind="with: selectedItem">
    <p data-bind="text: firstName">First Name</p>
    <p data-bind="text: lastName">Last Name</p>
    <p data-bind="text: address">Address</p>


Demo JSFiddle .



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