AJAX availability check with submit button

  • test1.php

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.11.1.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
                var userName = $('#username').val();
                $.post("getUserName.php", {userName: userName}, function(data){
                //CODE HERE
    <form action="" method="post" id="addform">
        Username: <input type="text" name="username" id="username" size="24" class="required" maxlength="22" />
        <div id="userNameCheck"></div>
        <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="ADD user" />

  • getUserName.php

    $userName = $_POST['userName'];
    $q = "select user_name from user where user_name = '".$userName."'";
    $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
    $num =  mysqli_num_rows($r);
          echo '<div style="color:red">Username taken. Please type another new one.    
          echo '<div style="color:green">You can use it.</div>';

  • database (user table)

    user_id user_name
     1 ali
     2 abu

  • From the above:
    => enter " ali " in the textbox → show the "You can use it" messsage in green.
    => enter ahmad in the textbox → show the message "Username ..." in red.

  • My requirement: if the message is "You can use it" go to test2.php; if the message is "Username taken ...", no form claim.

  • My question is, how can I manage the "You can use it" or "Username" message when I click the "Submit" button?


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1 answer

Instead of using a click handler for the button, use the form submit event.

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#username').change(function () {
        var userName = $('#username').val();

        $.post("getUserName.php", {
            userName: userName
        }, function (data) {

    $('#addform').submit(function () {
        //if the text is `You can use it` allow the form submit else block it
        return $("#userNameCheck").html().trim() == 'You can use it';


Also make sure you are doing the same validation in test2.php

, because client side validation can be done on the side.



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