Why can't I reload the merged theme branch?

Let's say I have this situation in my git repo

A--B--C--D   master
| E--F       topic
  G--H       other


and I want to rebase topic

to a branch other

. This works great:

git rebase --onto other master topic


which gives me

A--B--C--D   master
  G--H       other
       E--F  topic


But if topic

it was already merged into master ( git merge topic

), then the above command rebase

no longer works. If I try, I seem to get something like this:

A--B--C--D--M  master
|\        /
| E--F----
  G--H         other / topic


whereas I wanted this:

A--B--C--D--M  master
|\        /
| E--F----
  G--H         other
       E'--F'  topic


Why is this and how can I reinstall topic

on other

, even if it was already merged with master


EDIT: Updated bottom diagram to make it clear that E

u F

are not identical commits - but introduce the same changeset.

EDIT 2: I really want it as if I first create a copy of topic

(say topic-rebased

) which I reinstall before other

, before I then merge topic

into other


git checkout topic
git checkout -b topic-rebased
git rebase --onto other master topic-rebased
git checkout master
git merge topic


This works great. But rebase no longer works if the topic has already been merged into master



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2 answers

You can not expect the two of each E

, and F

will exist in your repository. If they have different parents (what they do: one set has A

as parent, the other has H

as parent), then one E

will be different E

than the other.

In your case, if you want this result, you should look into cherry picking :

git checkout topic   # puts you on `H`
git cherry-pick E
git cherry-pick F


This applies commits E

and F

your current branch and, in fact, it will create a copy. Thus, you should get the desired result.



If your story is the same as your example, this will do the following:

git checkout topic
git rebase --onto other --root


I did this to confirm:

% git init .
(add commit a)
% touch a; git add a ; git commit -m "a"
% git checkout -b topic
(add commits e and f, elided for brevity)
% ls
a e f
% git checkout master
% git checkout -b other
(add commits g and h)
% ls
a g h
% git checkout master
(add commits b, c, and d)
% ls
a b c d
% git merge topic
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 e | 0
 f | 0
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
% ls
a b c d e f
% git checkout topic
% ls
a e f
% git rebase --onto other --root
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: e
Applying: f
% ls
a e f g h 


It will automatically find the common parent and add (really cherry pick) only commits from the theme branch, even if it's already merged into master.



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