HP Fortify: exitcode -12000
I am using the latest HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer, 4.21. The byte file "bin \ fortifyclient.bat " with the uploadFPR argument gives "An unexpected error occurred" and the exit code is 12000 .
DownloadFPR worked until (the previous week) on the same computer with the same source. So I don't know what is causing this error. I tried using the new AnalysisUploadToken, but it doesn't make any difference.
I cannot find what this code means for formatting -12000. Does anyone know what this means?
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I hit the same error when I updated my SCA client.
I believe the error indicates that the FPR file was generated with a version above the Fortify SSC server installed.
After re-evaluating my client and generating a new FPR file, it will load correctly.
Update: . After more crashes, this error is more of a general error when processing the FPR file. Your best bet is to look at the SSC logs for exception handling, which can pinpoint the reason the handling failed.
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