TFS auto crash when using MS Chart file generator

We have a web application that uses MS Chart to generate some graphical images.

The config for MS Chart uses Storage=file

and as a result creates a bunch of temporary images when it starts.

Unfortunately, when we run auto build with TFS 2013, it doesn't say:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets (4253): Web deployment task failed. (The file 'msc_cntr_0.txt' is in use.  Learn more at:


If I go to the test server and restart the application pool, then try building again, it works.

Is this a known issue? can I work around it somehow by telling TFS / MSBuild to be more aggressive / restart AppPool for me?


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1 answer

The msc_cntr_0.txt file is generated by remote IIS for charting purposes and remains locked while IIS is running. The problem is caused by MSDeploy trying to delete it during publish, as this file is not in your local solution. In VS2013, your publishing profile has a "SkipExtraFilesOnServer" parameter, which is False by default. Setting this parameter to "True" resolves the problem.



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