How to find my Google Play Services BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY

This question was asked here Android 64 public key Android key two years ago, but the interface with Google Developer Console has changed since then. Some docs refer to and everything else that is stated in the documentation can be found by going to the developer console and then to Settings and then account details. Not that kind of key. I've also seen the documentation that says the key can be found on the Services and APIs page in the developer console. There is an API section in the settings, but this is for interacting with the developer console and you need to "create a project" to get access. I don't think this is what I need. There is no service section.


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3 answers

My problem was that I wanted to test before the app was uploaded to the play store. Once you start creating a playlist for the app (no need to fill out anything), it appears as a draft. According to him, the section "Services and API" becomes available and the key can be copied.

UPDATE: states that you can no longer test the license if it hasn't been published, at least for Alpha.

So, ignore any documentation that says you can test unpublished applications. Also, ignore the text in the developer console, where you can set a test response in the settings, which reads: "All the accounts listed above will receive a response to license verification. The account owner (but not other test accounts) will also receive this response for apps that have not yet been uploaded to Google Play. "



The Google Play console has recently changed.

How to find it now Developer Console > Select your app> Development Tools> Services and APIs.



In the developer console, select your app> Services & APIs> YOUR LICENSE KEY FOR THIS APPLICATION. Base64 encoded RSA public key to include in your binary.



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