Square dagger bug: class is exclusively members that enter / cannot be scoped

I get the following dagger error when compiling a module:

test.MyClass is exclusively members injected and therefore cannot be scoped required by test.MyModule for test.MyModule


Google doesn't help in this case.

I have a fairly simple architecture: 1 module, all injected classes are listed in the adds clause. I don't see anything that might be causing the problem.


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1 answer

The error occurs due to a missing constructor @Inject


In my case, I used the lombok constructor generator in the class. IE.

@RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__({@Inject}))
public class MyClass {
    private final AnotherClass anotherClass;


And going to the explicit constructor solved the problem.

I expect the failure to be related to firing the dagger before generating the generated code. (Similarly to this question and related issue .)



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