Removing values โ€‹โ€‹from a list of tuples

I have a list of tuples that I would like to return only the second column of data and only unique values

mytuple = [('Andrew','','20'),('Jim',"",'12'),("Sarah","",'43'),("Jim","",'15'),("Andrew","",'56')]


Desired output:



My idea would be to iterate over the list and add the item from the second column to the new list, then use the following code. Before I take this path too far, I know there is a better way to do it.

from collections import Counter
cnt = Counter(mytuple_new)
unique_mytuple_new = [k for k, v in cnt.iteritems() if v > 1]



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6 answers

You can use the function zip


>>> set(zip(*mytuple)[1])
set(['', '', ''])


Or, as a less efficient way, you can use map

and operator.itemgetter

and use set

to get a unique tuple:

>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> tuple(set(map(lambda x:itemgetter(1)(x),mytuple)))
('', '', '')


comparative analysis of some answers:

my answer:

s = """\
mytuple = [('Andrew','','20'),('Jim',"",'12'),("Sarah","",'43'),("Jim","",'15'),("Andrew","",'56')]
print timeit.timeit(stmt=s, number=100000)


Icodez answer:

s = """\
mytuple = [('Andrew','','20'),('Jim',"",'12'),("Sarah","",'43'),("Jim","",'15'),("Andrew","",'56')]
seen = set()
[x[1] for x in mytuple if x[1] not in seen and not seen.add(x[1])]
print timeit.timeit(stmt=s, number=100000)


Hasan's answer:

s = """\
mytuple = [('Andrew','','20'),('Jim',"",'12'),("Sarah","",'43'),("Jim","",'15'),("Andrew","",'56')]
set([k[1] for k in mytuple])
print timeit.timeit(stmt=s, number=100000)


Adem's answer:

s = """
from itertools import izip
mytuple = [('Andrew','','20'),('Jim',"",'12'),("Sarah","",'43'),("Jim","",'15'),("Andrew","",'56')]
set(map(lambda x: x[1], mytuple))
print timeit.timeit(stmt=s, number=100000)
0.237300872803 !!!





>>> unique_mytuple_new = set([k[1] for k in mytuple])
>>> unique_mytuple_new
set(['', '', ''])




unique_emails = set(item[1] for item in mytuple)


Understanding the list will help you generate a list that contains only the data of the second column, and converting that list to set()

removes duplicate values.



You can use a list comprehension and set to keep track of the values โ€‹โ€‹seen:

>>> mytuple = [('Andrew','','20'),('Jim',"",'12'),("Sarah","",'43'),("Jim","",'15'),("Andrew","",'56')]
>>> seen = set()
>>> [x[1] for x in mytuple if x[1] not in seen and not seen.add(x[1])]
['', '', '']


The most important part of this solution is that the order is preserved, as in your example. Doing it alone set(x[1] for x in mytuple)

or something similar will give you unique items, but their order will be lost.

Also, it if x[1] not in seen and not seen.add(x[1])

might sound a little odd, but it's actually a neat trick that lets you add items to a set inside a list comprehension (otherwise we need to use a for-loop).

Since it and

does short-circuit evaluation in Python, not seen.add(x[1])

will only evaluate if it x[1] not in seen

returns True

. So the condition sees if it x[1]

is in the set and adds it if not.

The statement not

is placed before seen.add(x[1])

, so that the condition is evaluated as True

if x[1]

necessary to be added to the set ( set.add

returns None

that is treated as False

. not False





How about an obvious and simple loop? No need to create a list and then convert to a set, just don't add duplicates.

mytuple = [('Andrew','','20'),('Jim',"",'12'),("Sarah","",'43'),("Jim","",'15'),("Andrew","",'56')]
result = []
for item in mytuple:
    if item[1] not in result:
print result



['', '', '']




Is the order of the items important? Many of the suggested answers use a set

unique list. It is good, correct and fulfilled if the order is not important. If order matters, you can use OrderedDict

to perform set-like unique-ification while maintaining order.

# test data
mytuple = [('Andrew','','20'),('Jim',"",'12'),("Sarah","",'43'),("Jim","",'15'),("Andrew","",'56')]

from collections import OrderedDict
emails = list(OrderedDict((t[1], 1) for t in mytuple).keys())
print emails



['', '', '']



Based on the suggestion from iCodez, repeat the answer to:

from collections import OrderedDict
emails = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(t[1] for t in mytuple).keys())




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