Browser hung when plotting over 10,000 series using Highcharts

I need your little help, I am working on a problem where I have to compose a maximum of 10,000 series on one diagram. Every time I have a random number of series like 1000, 1500 or 2000 up to 10000. I successfully put them in the chart object, but when I assign the data object to the chart class, my browser gets hung up for a few seconds. Here is my code,

var obj =  {
           credits: {
                 enabled: false
           title: {
                         text: 'Sentiment Activity Of Stocks'
           chart: {
                     width: 1200
           exporting: {
                    enabled: false

               xAxis: {
                   min: -5,
                   title: {
                        enabled: true,
                        text: '<b>S Score</b>',
                        style: {
                            fontWeight: 'normal'
               yAxis: {
                   title: {
                     enabled: true,
                     text: '<b>S Score</b>',
                     style: {
                         fontWeight: 'normal'

           plotOptions: {
                         line: {

           tooltip: {
               formatter: function () {

                    var x = this.x;
                    x = x.toFixed(4);

                    var y = this.y;
                       y = y.toFixed(4);

                      var delta = parseFloat([1][0].x);
                          delta = delta.toFixed(4);

                      return ' <b>'+ +'<br/> <b>Score ( t ): </b>' + y +
                            '<br /> <b>Score(t-1): </b>' + x + '<br />'+
                            '<b>SDelta: </b>' + delta + '<br />'+

               legend: {
                   enabled: false
               series: [


          $.each(parsedJson ,function(index, element) {
          var s_color = "Green";
          if(element.sdelta < 0)
             s_color = "red";

          var diffe  = parseFloat(element.sscore-element.sdelta);
          var sscore = exp_y = parseFloat(element.sscore);

          if(sscore > diffe){
              var arr =  {data: [[diffe,exp_y],[sscore, exp_y]],name:element.subject,color:s_color,id:element.subject};
              var arr =  {data: [[sscore, exp_y],[diffe,exp_y]],name:element.subject,color:s_color,id:element.subject};




I'm not sure what is the actual reason why the browser is hanging. Maybe there is a no limit. from a series in one diagram. Your help is truly appreciated in determining the cause of this problem.


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1 answer

The hith highcharts website has an article on performance issues. You can read it here:

Some pointers for you:

  • Disable animation. This can slow things down a lot.
  • Try highstock. Highstock can handle large datasets.
    chart: {
        animation: false


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