request for pointer value

I am using for my android app database.

In short, I am asking for class A that has a field pointing to class B. If I query for class A and include class B, is there anyway I can have a query filter and / or sort by field in class B?

I am more familiar with sql style db, which may become apparent from my description. In the parse I have a table for people invited to the game "gameInvitees" with some metadata like when they were invited and their rsvp status. Then a separate table with games "gameInstances". The "gameInvitees" has a pointer to the game they are invited to and the invited parsing user.

My problem is that I am trying to query the "gameInvitees" table so that I can find new users invited to the game based on the game time that is in the "gameInstance" table.

My current code looks something like this:

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.setTime(new Date());
    cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, -1);
    final Date oneHourBack = cal.getTime();

    // get games that the current user is invited to
    ParseQuery<GamePhaseInvitees> inviteeQuery = ParseQuery.getQuery("gameInvitees");
    inviteeQuery.whereEqualTo("inviteeAccount", ParseUser.getCurrentUser());  // current user is invited
    //    inviteeQuery.whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo("GameInstance.GameTime", oneHourBack);  // game is one hour back (but, this doesn't work)

    inviteeQuery.findInBackground(new FindCallback<GamePhaseInvitees>() {
        public void done(List<GamePhaseInvitees> gamesInvitedToList, ParseException e) {
            if (e == null) {

            } else {



This code has been simplified to explain the problem. Basically I need to figure out what I can do with this commented line in order to query the field that is associated with the pointer. Is it possible? Are there any solutions to solve this problem?


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2 answers

Here's a possible solution:

Create a ParseObject from your table type: ParseObject time = new ParseObject("Date");

Then take ParseObject from the result:time = result.getParseObject(pointer_field);

Now you can get from time

any field, which it has, as you did, for example time.getString("some_field")


You may also need to include: query.include("pointer_field")




According to the Parse community:

Instead of dot notation in whereKey :, you must use whereKey: matchesKey: inQuery: or whereKey: matchesQuery :.



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