Swapping variable with MemoryMappedFile gives error

I need to split the value of a variable from application "A" to different applications on the same system. I only need to use MemoryMappedFiles as per requirement. I created another simple application "B" that reads the value of a shared variable from application A. But application "B" gives an error

The specified file could not be found.

Sample Applications A and B written in C # using VS 2012:

In case of pressing the button in Appendix A to exchange the variable Name:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string Name = txtName.Text.ToString();
    int howManyBytes = Name.Length * sizeof(Char) + 4;
    label1.Text = howManyBytes.ToString();

    using (var MyText = MemoryMappedFile.CreateOrOpen("MyGlobalData", howManyBytes, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite))
        byte[] array1 = new byte[howManyBytes];
        array1 = GetBytes(Name);

        using (var accessor = MyText.CreateViewAccessor(0, array1.Length))
            accessor.WriteArray(0, array1, 0, array1.Length);


static byte[] GetBytes(string str)
    byte[] bytes = new byte[str.Length * sizeof(char)];
    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(str.ToCharArray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
    return bytes;


In the case of a mouse click in Application B to read the shared variable MyGlobalData:

    using (var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting("MyGlobalData"))
        using (var accessor = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0, 34))
            byte[] array1 = new byte[34];
            accessor.ReadArray(0, array1, 0, array1.Length);

            string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(array1);
            txtName.Text = result;
catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show(" Error :- " + ex.Message.ToString());


When trying to read a shared variable from app B it gives an error

The specified file cannot be found

I need to write the value of a variable to a txt file and then share it?


source to share

1 answer

Memory mapped files are of two types

  • Saved memory file
  • Immutable memory file

You are creating a persistently stored memory file, so when the last process closes the MMF handle, it will be destroyed. You close the handle by calling Dispose

on it with a statement, and thus the MMF is destroyed.

You either need to leave the MMF open or use a saved memory file. To keep the MMF open, just don't delete it.

For more information



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