Change the class of only one element in ngRepeat

I have ng-repeat. And I would like to change the class of just this element vs the whole group.

<button ng-class="defaultClass" ng-repeat="tube in node.Tubes" ng-click="toggleBtn(tube)">{{"Tube " + ($index + 1)}}</button>


with the above HTML on mine, ng-click

I can pipe a tube that really only gives me the data passed from the API if I console.log(this)

can see the class name in the element called $$watchers

, but it seems weird to change it from there.

$scope.toggleBtn = function (element) {


In my controller I have $scope.defaultClass = "btn btn-off";

, but if I change it using a function, it changes every item.

How do I change the class of the selected item?


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3 answers

Continuing comments. Than you can't use the $ scope variable for this, because as you said it would be the same. To solve this problem, you need to use the ng class correctly. Docs: (see example at the bottom of the page)

<button ng-class="{'btn-on' : tube.toggled, 'btn-off' : !tube.toggled}" ng-repeat="tube in node.Tubes" ng-click="toggleBtn(tube)">{{"Tube " + ($index + 1)}}</button>



I'm not sure I understand what you want, but you can use:

<button class="btn" ng-repeat="tube in node.Tubes" ng-class="{'btn-off':!toggled, 'btn-on':toggled}" ng-click="toggled = !toggled">{{"Tube " + ($index + 1)}}</button>


no need to add code to the controller in this case.



These other answers are excellent. However, I would like to point to a different method. Let's say you are iterating over an array of receipts. For example, in the controller, you have receipts in the area:

$scope.receipts = [ ... ];


And at the front end, you punched these receipts:

<div ng-repeat="receipt in receipts">{{ receipt.[attribute] }}</div>


One way to keep track of unique classes is to add the class key to the receipt objects. For example, a receipt will look like this:

receipt { 'id': '1', 'class' : ' ... ' }


In the interface, you have to define the class using the ng class:

<div ng-repeat="receipt in receipts">
     <div ng-class="receipt.class"></div>


And then you can pass the receipt and its ID to the toggleButton () method like this:

<div ng-repeat="receipt in receipts">
     <div class="btn" ng-click="toggleClass("></div>
     <div ng-class="receipt.class"></div>


And then in the controller, you can simply update the class for that particular receipt (assuming there is a getReceipt () method here that gets the receipt from the $ scope.receipts array):

$scope.toggleClass = function(id) {
     getReceipt(id).class = { ... }


This will dynamically change the class for that single receipt based on the logic in the toggleClass () function.



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