Ubuntu 12.04 in docker "service mysql start"

I need ubuntu 12.04 when developing web services (sshd, apache2.2, php5.3, mysql-server). I have ubuntu 14.04, I have docker installed.

Then I started the container:

docker run -t -i ubuntu:12.04 /bin/bash



apt-get update && apt-get install -y mysql-server


After that: mysql start service, mysql status service is not running. If I run a container with 14.04 ubuntu it works well. This same issue is related to the sshd server.

apache2 service status, apache2 stop service, apache2 start service works well.


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1 answer

There is no initialization process in the container. Therefore, the runic level cannot be determined. If there is an unknown runlevel, the upstart cannot start mysql .... see /etc/init/mysql.conf

start on runlevel [2345]


If you try to check the runlevel:

$ runlevel


... you see it is unknown.

In Docker, this is the usual way to run an application in the foreground.



If you want to run more than one application, you can use supervisord.



Additionally, I found a Dockerfile that runs init inside the ubuntu container: 12.04 docker. Really nice job:




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