Unable to bind localhost: 8000 with Google App Engine

I am trying to run a Python application on Google App Engine. The UI doesn't work, so I tried using command lines. I tried to restart my computer, I tried changing the port with "dev_appserver.py --port = 9999". but it still says Unable to bind localhost:8000


    raise BindError('Unable to bind %s:%s' % self.bind_addr)
google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.wsgi_server.BindError: Unable to bind localhost:8000



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3 answers

The application server runs two servers; one for your application, another for the developer console . This is the second server that is causing the problem here; it usually runs on port 8000.

Change the ip address for the development console with the switch --admin_port


dev_appserver.py --admin_port=9000


You can also change the port for the main application server of course.

Also see the command line arguments documentation for dev_appserver.py




Restarting the computer did this by closing the google launcher launch, restarting the computer and then running the trick again ...



Port failure is usually a symptom of one of two things:

  • You do not have access rights
  • Something is already working there.

You can try hitting local port 8080 with your browser to see what is there, and kill it if it shouldn't.

As for the permissions - just look at this. Assuming you are on windows (you did not specify this), then you should be able to bind this as a normal user.

As for the command line - you tried to replace "=" with a space - I've seen both forms in the documentation for the engine application.

dev_appserver.py --port 9999 .



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