Iterating through an array using spaces

This is part two of my last question . Thanks to some helpful people, I now have a document that looks like this:

{ "_id" : "dndsZhRgbPK24n5LD", "createdAt" : ISODate("2014-11-26T16:28:02.655Z"), "data" : { "cat1" : 493.6, "cat2" : 740.4 }, "owner" : "GiWCb8jXbPfzyc5ZF", "text" : "asdf" }


Specifically, I want to extract the value from each property data

in Spacebars and iterate over it to create a table - and I know the number of fields in the object data

, but the number can change. Yes, I know it was before , but no one seems to have been able to provide a satisfactory answer that works. But as the end result, I would like to display the whole document in a row, like



Thanks in advance for your help.


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1 answer

Here's a complete working example:

Cats = new Mongo.Collection(null);

Meteor.startup(function() {
    data: {
      cat1: 100,
      cat2: 200
    text: 'cat1'

    data: {
      cat1: 300,
      cat2: 400,
      cat3: 500
    text: 'cat2'

  cats: function() {
    return Cats.find();

  // Returns an array containg numbers from a cat data values AND the cat's
  // text. For example if the current cat (this) was:
  // {text: 'meow', data: {cat1: 100, cat2: 300}}, columns should return:
  // [100, 200, 'meow'].
  columns: function() {
    // The current context (this) is a cat document. First we'll extract an
    // array of numbers from using underscore values function:
    var result = _.values(;

    // result should now look like [100, 200] (using the example above). Next we
    // will append this.text to the end of the result:

    // Return the result - it shold now look like: [100, 200, 'meow'].
    return result;


  {{> cats}}

<template name='cats'>
    {{#each cats}}
        {{#each columns}}




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