Can you use the Demographic Reporting Tag Manager in Google Analytics for Mobile?

Can I enable ad build / IDFA via GTM to get demographic reporting in GA (Mobile App Analytics)?

If not, and you need to use the SDK SD, should events be sent via Tracker to get demographic reporting, or can GTM still be used for events?


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3 answers

In fact, in the newest version of Google Tag Manager, you only need to activate Enable Advertising ID features in the Universal Analytics tag itself:

Includes app conversions, demographic and percentage reporting, and remarketing with Google Analytics integration. Learn about app conversions, demographics, and remarketing and how they affect your privacy policy.

Google Tag Manager configuration with demographic reporting



For iOS it is possible if you include libAdIdAccess.a library and set allowIDFACollection to true in GTM GA tracker



I hate to answer my own question, but I have to say no. The current Measurement Log does not provide any parameters for demographic reporting. At this time, you need the SDK to get demographic reports on iOS and Android.



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