Using angular ui.layout in column mode - how to create bottom aligned element

I've just started using angular ui-layout to allow splitting of panels in the UI.

I am trying to create a sidebar with this blue element at the bottom

sidebar UI

Is there a way to trick the u-layout directive to achieve this? I've tried doing size

, but it just makes the size absolute, I want the blue cell to just take up some space (showing 100% of the content) and the element above it should scroll and take up the rest of the vertical space.


<ui-layout options="{ flow: 'row' }">
    <div ui-layout-container> top part </div>
    <div ui-layout-container> blue box</div>



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1 answer

I don't know why you want to use ui.layout, but I would not recommend using it to achieve what you want.

ui.layout uses a flex box model and you can use it yourself without using any other invasive javascript layout. You can completely accomplish what you want using just css.

This is what I did to achieve what you only want to use with CSS. .

<div class="container flex flex-column">
  <div class="top flex flex-row flex-auto flex-stretch">
    <div class="flex-auto">Top</div>
    <div class="sidebar">sidebar</div>
  <div style="background:blue">Bottom</div>


If you are very interested in using Flex layout I would recommend using Angular Material Design and it is advanced and makes more sense than ui.layout.

To learn more about the flex box, you can see this example. .



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