After the for-loop, the returned array is wrong

I have something like this:

$n = 2;

$items = array();

$result = array(); // new array with random items

$random_items = array_rand( $items, $n );

for( $f=0; $f<=$n; $f++ ) {
  $result[] = $items[$random_items[$f]];



looks like

Array ( [0] => file1.jpg [1] => file2.png [2] => file3.jpg ... and so on )


This works fine ... but if I set to , then the script doesn't work or doesn't work correctly! $n


If $ n == 2 (or more), the result array has the value of the last element empty

Array ( [0] => 20141125-17826a4b34.png [1] => 20141125-27fe57561d.jpg [2] => )


If $ n == 1 (exactly) the result array is like

Array ( [0] => [1] => ) 


The result array must be in the same format as the element array, but with $ n random elements.

Thanks in advance!


if( $n > 1 ) {
  for( $f=0; $f<$n; $f++ ) {
    $result[] = $items[$random_items[$f]];
elseif( $n == 1 ) {
  $result[0] = $items[$random_items];



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1 answer

You should $f < $n

instead$f <= $n

for( $f=0; $f < $n; $f++ ) {
  $result[] = $items[$random_items[$f]];


Because when you use $f <= $n

it runs to 0,1 (when, $n = 1)

OR 0,1,2 (when $n = 2)

and you are missing the last indexed item.

If only one entry is selected, array_rand () returns the key for the random entry (not array). Otherwise, an array of keys is returned for random entries.

So this means that when you use $n = 1

, then $random_items

is just a value (not an array). eg.

for $n = 1, $random_items = 4;

but for $n >= 2, $random_items = [1, 6, 3, 6];



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