How can I get Polymer to treat my custom icons the same way as their own?

I'm trying to find a clever way to use the tag with my own svg icons so that I can use the "fill: currentcolor;" css property.

Using their inline icons, for example: <core-icon icon="android"></core-icon>

generates all svg for the icon, but using my own icon: <core-icon src="symbols/arrow-up.svg"></core-icon>

only generates a div with an svg background. Check out the screenshot here:

It would be great if I wrote <core-icon icon="arrow-up"></core-icon>

for my own badge.



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2 answers

You can use core-iconset-svg

to create your own set of icons. Here's an explanation:



I suggest you create your own Iconset element like , which makes using your custom icons a lot easier.



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