How do I check if an item is shown after a click?

I am working with a mocha unit test and I need to check if an element is visible after clicking on a radio button. In other words, I have two radio buttons that toggle two elements using javascript and I would like to test this.

this is my test:

it("Checking #completed-task existance", function (done) {
    chai.assert.equal($("#completed-task").length, 1);

it("Checking #completed-task is visible", function (done) {
    $("#master div.onoffswitch").find("input[data-id='completed-task']").click();
    chai.assert.equal($("#completed-task").is(":visible"), true);


the first test passes but the second fails. problem is $("#completed-task").is(":visible")

always false, on real page this works fine, any suggestions?


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1 answer

You have an animation of an element that is shown / hidden. You must add your assertion after the timeout. Since you are checking if it is: visible, you do not need to wait for the entire animation to complete. I'll start with 100ms (or even 0ms) and then see if you need more.

For example:

it("Checking #completed-task is visible", function (done) {
    $("#master div.onoffswitch").find("input[data-id='completed-task']").click();

    // This may be needed to increase the mocha timeout.        

    setTimeout(function() {
        chai.assert.equal($("#completed-task").is(":visible"), true);
    }, 100);


This answer has more details and docs link: / ...



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