Real estate creation Swift enums

Are enum properties loaded / computed at creation time? If you have an enum defined as such:

enum Dwarf : Int {
    case Sleepy, Grumpy, Happy, Doc, ..

extension Dwarf: Printable {
    var description: String {
        println("description called")
        let names = ["Sleepy", "Grumpy", "Happy", "Doc", ...]
        return names[self.rawValue]


Is the "description" created at the same time as the enum or is it only loaded at runtime when used?

Dwarf.Happy // Enum instantiated - does description exist at this point in time?
println(Dwarf.Happy.description) // property is invoked - is this when description comes into existence?



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1 answer

As written, your code doesn't even compile. I don't know what the playground is showing - all I know is that the Playground is far from the best place to check out this thing.

enter image description here

This is what happens when your code is inserted into a non-playing field.

What you really want is something more:

enum Dwarf: String {
    case Sleepy = "Sleepy"
    case Grumpy = "Grumpy"
    case Happy = "Happy"
    case Doc = "Doc"

extension Dwarf: Printable {
    var description: String {
        return self.rawValue


In terms of Swift then passing the original value with each one, I don't know, and I'm not sure.

If we use sizeOf

on Swift enum

, it tends to give us a value of 1 ... but there is probably an optimization. I guess if we created an enum with more than 256 values, it sizeOf

might give us 2


But if we call a sizeofValue

property of rawValue

one of the values enum

, it gives us different numbers (24 for strings), and that certainly makes sense.

sizeOf(Dwarf)                       // gives 1
sizeofValue(Dwarf.Sleepy)           // also gives 1
sizeofValue(Dwarf.Sleepy.rawValue)  // gives 24


I assume that when yours is enums

passed they are optimized in terms of size, so an enum with less than 256 values ​​is 1 byte in size. enum

with size less than 65536 is 2 bytes in size, and enum

with any values ​​probably not particularly useful.

Meanwhile, the call rawValue

is probably doing some Swift-magic, so the actual support baseline only exists after it's been requested.



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