Strong naming by Google.Apis
I am currently developing a calendar sync with Google Calendar.
Since the NuGet variants of the Google.Apis package do not have a strong name, I tried to sign them myself (using ILASM and ILDASM). Unfortunately this results in the following build error:
The type 'Google.Apis.Authentication.IAuthenticator' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'Google.Apis, Version=1.2.4737.25313, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Now I tried downloading the source code (from: ) and compiling them myself. This does work, however the google.Apis.Calendar.v3 dll is missing.
Now I found it here:
But I don't know how I can approach all of this. Are there any ready-to-use DLLs for Google Calendar integration that are heavily named?
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Unfortunately, you have to compile the theme yourself.
The source for the Google Calendar dll can be found at:
No, they haven't released a strong version of the name. Requested over and over in the last seconds sevral Strong naming in binaries Feel free to add your name to it, if we ask it enough, maybe maybe they can do it.
Hope this helps.
UPDATE (Jul 23): The Google API Client Library for .NET version 1.9.2 has just been released and includes signed DLLs. Take a look at the announcement:
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