WPF Change View from MVVM Custom Control

I'm trying to go from one View Model

to the other without any sidebar.

For example, I have Main Window View

, this is where I download User Control


I tried to access the static instance from MainViewModel

in order to change the views, but it doesn't work.



    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:FirstViewModel}">

    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:SecondViewModel}">

<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentViewModel}"/>



class MainviewModel : ObservableObject
    private ObservableObject _currentViewModel = new FirstViewModel();
    public ObservableObject CurrentViewModel
        get { return _currentViewModel; }
            _currentViewModel = value;

    private static MainViewModel _instance = new MainViewModel();
    public static MainViewModel Instance { get { return _instance; } }


Here I have it FirstView

, it just contains a button and a few other UIs


<Button Command="{Binding goToSecondView}" />



class FirstViewModel : ObservableObject
    public ICommand goToSecondView
            return new DelegateCommand(() =>
                MainViewModel.Instance.CurrentViewModel = new SecondViewModel();


And I have SecondView

one that looks like FirstView

, it just goes toFirstView

I tried to find a solution, but so far I have been able to find examples showing buttons on a panel that then allow you to toggle User Control

to clicking that button.

I am trying to achieve to enable User Control

with buttons itself User Control

without any sidebar.

Any help would be much appreciated and will definitely help me on my future projects.



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2 answers

You are creating two different instances of MainViewModel. The first one is probably created by a locator or something, and the one with which your view binds to when the window is first created. It then creates a second instance and assigns it to its own static instance member:

private static MainViewModel _instance = new MainViewModel();
public static MainViewModel Instance { get { return _instance; } }


In this case, your ICommand handler changes when you click on a button that is not attached to anything. Generally speaking, you should be using a Dependency Injection framework to provide its true singleton, but for now just do something like this:

    public MainViewModel()
        Instance = this;

    public static MainViewModel Instance { get; private set; }


Also your code calls RaisePropertyChangedEvent ("CurrentViewModel") ... I'm sure what you meant is RaisePropertyChanged ("CurrentViewModel").



i would go the other way and expose the Event from your first and second view models like

public event EventHandler<ShowMeEventArgs> ShowMeEvent;


then you just need to subscribe to this event and you can show the viewmodel. and even more your first and second viewmodel should not know anything from the mainviewmodel



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