Checking multiple attributes inside built-in validator in Yii 2
I know that you can validate a single attribute using the built-in validator , for example:
['country', 'validateCountry']
public function validateCountry($attribute, $params)
if (!in_array($this->$attribute, ['USA', 'Web'])) {
$this->addError($attribute, 'The country must be either "USA" or "Web".');
But how do I go to multiple attributes in the validator? ... or should I just reference them via $this
in the validator?
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2 answers
Instead of directly accessing additional fields, for example using $this->email
, you can pass additional attributes as a field in params
for example how it compareValidator
works, i.e.
['username', 'customValidator', 'params' => ['extraFields' => 'email']]
public function customValidator($attribute, $params) {
//access extrafields using $this->{$params['extraFields']}
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In Yii2, you have to write it like below:
['username', 'customValidator', 'params' => ['extraFields' => 'email']]
Zhang buzz
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