Angular -dimple error TypeError: Cannot read property '_hasCategories' from null

I am trying to build a chart with tables using dimple.js I need to do this with angular directives so I am using angular-dimple

here is what I have coded to run the example for example:                                      

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var app = angular.module("dimpleTestApp", ['angular-dimple']);

        app.controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', 'dataService', function($scope, dataService) {
        dataService.getData().then(function(response) {
        $scope.graphData =;
        .service('dataService', ['$http', function($http) {
          return {
            getData: function() {
              return $http.get('data.json');
<body ng-app='dimpleTestApp'>
    <div ng-controller="myCtrl">
    <graph data="graphData" orientation="horizontal">
        <x-axis field="Month"></x-axis>
        <y-axis field="Sales"></y-axis>
        <stacked-bar field="storeId" value="2"></stacked-bar>




but I am getting this error when running this code:

 TypeError: Cannot read property '_hasCategories' of null
at null.<anonymous> (
at Array.forEach (native)
at _getSeriesData (
at draw (
at draw (http://localhost/angular-dimple/bower_components/angular-dimple/lib/angular-dimple.js:175:15)
at addBar (http://localhost/angular-dimple/bower_components/angular-dimple/lib/angular-dimple.js:428:25)
at Object.fn (http://localhost/angular-dimple/bower_components/angular-dimple/lib/angular-dimple.js:433:11)
at g.$get.g.$digest (
at g.$get.g.$apply (
at g (


can someone tell me what is wrong with this app and how can i do it.

angularjs angularjs-directive dimple.js

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1 answer

I solved this by delving deeper into the angular-simple library.

There was a mistake in their documentation using elements x

and y

, while in the example they mentioned x-axis

and y-axis

, so when I changed it to fix it, it worked.

Here's the modified code:

<graph data="graphData" orientation="horizontal">
        <x field="Month"></x>
        <y field="Sales"></y>
        <stacked-bar field="storeId" ></stacked-bar>



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