Converting HAML to HTML on Windows

Is there a haml to html converter for windows i see on ubuntu we are using grunt. Ex. In terminal, grunt haml converts my .haml code to .php offline. Does Windows have an app or something?


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1 answer

There's grunt-haml-php . But it doesn't work well on windows. To make it work on windows you need to do some hacks.

After the installation is complete, find the file node_moules / grunt-haml-php / tasks / haml.js and we have to do some customization like this.

var compileHaml = function(item, cb) {
  var args = ['-t', hamlTarget || 'php', item ];
  // change the above line to the following
  // var args = [path.join(__dirname, '../bin/haml'), '-t', hamlTarget || 'php', item ];

  var child = grunt.util.spawn({
    cmd: path.join(__dirname, '../bin/haml'),
    // change the above line to the following
    // cmd: 'php',
    args: args
  }, function(error, result, code) {
     cb(error, result.stdout);


grunt-haml-php uses MtHaml , but it looks like MtHaml is still unstable. It doesn't have many features yet.

Hope this answer helps you with what you are looking for.



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